Causa Sui Return With New LP ‘From The Source’, Out In June; Listen To Single “Sorcerer’s Disciple”

It’s been nearly 4 years since the mighty Danish rock quartet Causa Sui released their last album. In November of 2020 the band, which consists of Jonas Munk, Jess Kahr, Rasmus Rasmussen, and Jakob Skøtt, released the Gábor Szabó-influenced Szabodelico. It was a departure from the band’s previously psych-heavy explorations on albums like Vibraciones Doradas, Return To Sky, and their Summer Sessions releases. Szabodelico leaned heavy into jazz undertones, leaving the Kyuss-meets-Sabbath-meets-Popul Vuh vibes for another day. Szabodelico was stunning, exploratory, and saw Causa Sui doing what they do best, following the muse wherever she may take them.

Next month Causa Sui return with yet another sonic turn on the band’s newest long player, From The Source. From The Source sees the Danish quartet revisiting those psychedelic scenes, but in a more exploratory, evocative manner. Long, expansive songs are laid out(4 songs to be exact) over two album sides. Side B is a 24-minute behemoth titled “Visions Of A New Horizon” and is some of the band’s best work yet. It’s an album heavy in intent; heady, hazy, dream-like, and it sees Causa Sui at their most atmospheric.

Lead single and opening track “Sorcerer’s Disciple” jumps right into it. Jakob Skøtt and Jess Kahr lay down a killer groove in the rhythm section(complete with congas giving things a Latin flavor) as Jonas Munk adds some tasteful guitar that goes from clean and fluid to fuzzed-out wah. Keyboardist Rasmus Rasmussen is the MVP here as his organ sound gives the proceedings a sort of dream-like quality. His keyboard work plays heavily on the vibe of the song, and the album as a whole.

It’s a groove-heavy stunner that touches on the band’s power as a progressively creative force. Conceptually, musically, and artistically, this song has got it going on. “Sorcerer’s Disciple” is the door we enter in, and it’s a heady world we’re entering here.

But as it has always been with Causa Sui, it’s a group effort. “Sorcerer’s Disciple” wouldn’t have the power, scope, and dizzying intent it has if it weren’t for all four musicians that make up the band. Bringing their unique craft to the table, this is primo Causa Sui.

Give “Sorcerer’s Disciple” a listen below. You can preorder ‘From The Source’ right now over at Causa Sui’s website. Album arrives at the end of June. And be on the lookout for an interview with the band right here in these hollowed halls soon.

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